Riley’s Rainforest: Magic of Gratitude

Gratitude can be a powerful path to happiness.

“Send down . . . from the clouds of Thy mercy the rains of Thy healing ...”— Bahá’u’lláh


I was super bummed yesterday, when my family had to cancel our big trip to the coast of the Coral Sea. I had been looking forward to it all year!

But I didn’t let it keep me down for long. I flew up to my room and grabbed my gratitude journal. Ever since I learned how powerful gratitude is, I’ve been writing down three things I’m thankful for every day.

Did you know that being thankful can actually change our brains? It can make you feel more generous, compassionate, and forgiving. It also tends to help you stay healthy, get better sleep, handle stress, and even cope with tough times. Sounds like magic, right?

Gratitude is so powerful because it stops you from focusing on negative feelings, like frustration and disappointment. Writing in my gratitude journal encouraged me to look on the bright side when I found out our trip was a no-go. I thought up some fun things to do in our own canopy, like building a giant hammock with banana leaves! Hammocks are the best.

So what are you thankful for? They can be big or small things. Today, I wrote that I’m thankful for kiwi fruit, hammocks, and playing games with my family. If journaling isn’t your thing, no problem! There are lots of ways to practice thankful thinking. Check out the ideas my family and I came up with. I hope they help you soar with gratitude!


Explore and Soar: Conjure Some Gratitude

Try these fun tips to explore the power of gratitude:

  • Send a thank-you note to someone who has helped you.
  • Post pictures or quotes at home that remind you to be grateful.
  • Ask friends and family what they’re thankful for.
  • Look at photos that bring back happy memories.
  • Be mindful and enjoy things around you—like sunshine, a bike ride, or a playful pet.
  • Make a long list of things you’re grateful for and add to it each day.
  • Go on a walk and take pictures of things you see that bring you joy.
  • Think of a challenge you’ve faced. How did it help you grow?
  • Make a collage with pictures of things you’re thankful for.
  • Say prayers thanking God for friends, family, and other blessings.


Curiosity Canopy

Did you know that gratitude can help you meet new friends? Having a positive attitude can lead to people wanting to hang out with you and get to know you better. Gratitude strengthens friendships, too. It helps friends work through problems and feel supported by each other.


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Photos: Kid with dog by Mustafagull, friends by kate_sept2004

Characters466 Riley101 Gratitude66 Thankfulness55 Bounties2 Happiness88 Mindfulness11 Positivity53 Laughter19 Journaling40 Service288 Riley’s Rainforest38 Positive Attitude61