Riley’s Rainforest: Soar with Service

“Send down . . . from the clouds of Thy mercy the rains of Thy healing ...” — Bahá’u’lláh


My family and I are planting eucalyptus trees at the park with our koala and kangaroo friends. It’s hard work, but a lot of fun! It also makes us stronger in many ways.

Did you know that helping others is like activating a superpower? It makes me feel happy and confident, like I’m really accomplishing something. Some scientists even say volunteering can help us live longer, healthier lives!

Serving with others can strengthen friendships, too. I’m meeting lots of new friends at the park. Being with friends can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Also, service is contagious—when people see good deeds, they’re more likely to help someone else. Amazing, right?

I get to build my virtue muscles as we work. Digging holes for two hundred saplings in the hot sun was tiring and kind of repetitive. But our friends started telling stories. Then time flew by, and we planted the trees in no time. I can’t wait to see them grow!  

The good feelings that come from helping out don't have to stop when the project is done. Doing acts of kindness can help you stay more positive over time. 

You don't need to do a huge project to activate your superpowers of service. Even simple things, like gathering macadamia nuts for dinner or giving the neighbor fledglings a flying lesson can have a huge impact. Check out the cool ideas my friends and I came up with to spread kindness and soar with service!  


Explore and Soar: Cool Ways to Be Kind 

Check out these fun ways to make someone’s day, and add your own to the list!  

  • Handwrite a thank-you note for a teacher.
  • Make a favorite treat for a friend or family member.
  • Share an inspiring quote or video with someone. 
  • Offer to care for a neighbor’s pet.  
  • Throw a craft or coloring party at a senior center.
  • Dry the slides at the park with a towel after it rains.
  • Make gifts for kids who are in the hospital.
  • Help a sibling or friend with a chore or project.
  • Tell a family member three things you appreciate about them.
  • Teach a younger kid how to play a new game.


Curiosity Canopy

Did you know our brains are “hardwired” to give? Being generous activates the same reward pathways in the brain that are triggered by delicious food or fun with friends. It also releases chemicals in our brains that boost health and happiness. Giving is a gift—both to yourself and others!


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Riley101 Characters466 Service288 Friendship179 Kindness115 Friends209 Activities37 Volunteer16 Volunteering31 Riley’s Rainforest38 Communities46 Cooperation95 Teamwork128