Riley’s Rainforest: Boost Your Immunity

How do you stay healthy?

“Send down ... from the clouds of Thy mercy the rains of Thy healing ...” — Bahá’u’lláh


I’ve been feeling nervous lately. I have lots of friends who aren’t feeling well because of a virus going around. Most birds who get sick only have mild symptoms, but some get really sick. How can my family, friends, and I stay safe? It makes my feathers shiver!

I talked to my friend Vita. Her parents are doctors, and she likes to learn about health. She said a big key is to strengthen your immune system. Your immune system is like the heroic guardian of your body. It’s made up of a network of organs and white blood cells that fight off viruses, infection, disease, and other harmful stuff.

Vita says it can boost your immune system when you drink plenty of water, eat a variety of fruit and veggies, and stay away from sugary food. I love my sweets, so—not gonna lie that one’s hard for me!

Vita shared another tip that she said I especially needed to hear: don’t stress out! Constant stress can flood your body with hormones. They’re helpful if you’re flapping away from a crocodile, because they give your body a boost of energy to escape. But your immune system may not work well if you’re always stressed.

Thankfully, I feel a lot better after talking to Vita. Check out all the ideas we came up with to boost your immune system. I’m going to go home and eat a kumquat!


Explore & Soar: Stay Healthy

Check out these ideas to keep your immune system strong.

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. For a timer, hum a song like “Happy Birthday” twice.
  • Exercise for at least an hour a day (either all at once or in 10-minute bursts). You can go for a walk, dance, or play a sport.
  • Make healthy food choices. Try a salad with leafy greens and fruit.
  • Carry your water bottle to remind you to drink enough fresh water.
  • Put away screens before bed, and get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Find ways to reduce stress and stay calm. Try praying, meditating, making art, or reading.
  • Talk with your parents or doctor if you have questions about your health.


Curiosity Canopy


Have you heard the saying “Laughter is the best medicine”? There’s some truth to that. Laughter releases feel- good chemicals in your brain. It can reduce stress, help your heart, and improve your immune system. So if you’re feeling run-down, find something to laugh about!



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