Fascinating Flamingos

Flock of Flamingos at Lake Nakuru, Kenya

How long can you stand on one leg without toppling over? Flamingos can balance on one leg for hours at a time—even when they’re asleep! Scientists aren’t sure why they like to stand one-legged. One study found that it helps them retain body heat. It may also reduce their contact with tiny creatures in the water that can harm their health. Whatever the reason, it’s an impressive feat.

Finding balance can be tricky for anyone—especially humans with busy lives. Schoolwork, sports, service, and other things compete for attention. Too many activities may make you tumble out of control.

If you feel your balance slipping, think about letting something go to free up time and energy. Or add prayer or meditation to boost your spirit. Make a list of what’s most important to help you focus your energy. It takes diligence and patience to stay balanced. But as the flamingos would tell you, it’s worth the effort—and it helps you stand tall.


Did You Know?

  • More than a million flamingos sometimes gather in one flock!
  • Flamingos are pink due to pigments in their food, such as algae and shrimp. 
  • The tallest flamingo species, the Greater Flamingo, can be nearly 5 feet (150 cm) tall!
  • Flamingos may appear to have knees that are backwards, but those are actually their ankles. Their knees are higher up, and are not visible.
  • Flamingos turn their heads upside-down to eat, using their special beaks to filter the mud for food.
  • A baby flamingo takes time to turn pink. It's born white or gray.
  • Flamingos have black feathers too, but they're hidden until the wings are extended.
  • Although they are normally seen standing around, flamingos can fly at least 35 mph (56 kph).
  • A flock is sometimes called a flamboyance of flamingos.
  • The flamingo is the national bird of the Bahamas.

Photo by Anna Omelchenko

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